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Modelling Projects / A blast from the past
« Last post by zak on Today at 01:03:39 PM »
Whilst at the Northern Model show I bought the Airifx re-release of the Guards in 1:76 scale.
I was obviously feeling nostalgic and remember having these as a youngster, they were marching on my model railway.
I was disappointed on opening the boxes, they were worse than I remembered, the same moulds and they are in bright red plastic.
As I had been doing some 1/72 stuff and figures I did think that I could produce a diorama with these on.
Here ares some pictures.
One figure straight from the box.

The moulding is pretty poor and the detail, what detail.
Well I will see what I can make of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were 5.95 per box, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.
A good day out. Thanks for the photos Dave.
General Discussion / Northern Model Show, Sunday 2nd June, South Shields
« Last post by zak on Today at 06:13:50 AM »
The show was attended by the club.
Neil, Dave, Kevin, Chris H, Bob and Chris W attended.
Kevin won a Highly Commended in the competition.

Another great day, meeting old friends and making new ones. lots of chat, banter and the odd purchase.
Here are a few photos of our table and some general views of the hall.
Modelling Projects / Re: Whirlwind HAR 9 conversion
« Last post by chriswil42 on June 01, 2024, 01:00:23 PM »
You're right there Chris. Just hope the oleos will be ok.
Modelling Projects / Re: Kirov
« Last post by chriswil42 on June 01, 2024, 12:59:14 PM »
Well recovered Martin.
Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« Last post by chriswil42 on June 01, 2024, 12:57:37 PM »
Looking great. Plenty of figures on those dioramas.
Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« Last post by zak on June 01, 2024, 07:39:56 AM »
Thanks Chris.
It had been my original intention to put two Trebuchets on the second board, but it looked too crowded.
I went with the Zvesda one and added some figures round and about to complete the scene.
I think there may be more figures to go on as and when.

The first two photos show the second board and the last two the complete scene, so far.
Modelling Projects / Re: Kirov
« Last post by zak on June 01, 2024, 07:34:03 AM »
We have several spare bibs available.
Modelling Projects / Re: Kirov
« Last post by cph64 on May 31, 2024, 07:23:00 PM »
Great job of cleaning up your dribbles. Have you tried using Tenas? lol!!!
Modelling Projects / Re: Whirlwind HAR 9 conversion
« Last post by cph64 on May 31, 2024, 07:16:28 PM »
There looks to be some nice detail in the kit moulding and the resin nose should stop any chance of tail-sitting.
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