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Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on July 26, 2024, 11:02:53 AM »
Digging through some old boxes of slides, I came across this, the hair did reach my shoulders at one time, alas no longer!

The girls are not worried about fine details or the correct colour or marking, like some Luddites that I know!
Sorry Neil, the camo on the aircraft will not meet your exacting standards.
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by Bigkev on July 26, 2024, 09:47:34 AM »
Well done - they put us to shame. Also they dont have aches and pains - only the one in the small photo called Zak - hohhohoho

A very good effort by both, well done to them.
As to aches and pains they do get in the way, but look what has happened to Zak's hair........a miracle
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by MSea on July 26, 2024, 08:48:08 AM »
Well done - they put us to shame. Also they dont have aches and pains - only the one in the small photo called Zak - hohhohoho
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on July 26, 2024, 08:03:32 AM »
Having received parental permission here are the girls in action.
Modelling Projects / The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on July 26, 2024, 07:18:55 AM »
Whatever is said about the youth of today, my two granddaughters love to build models when they come to stay.
Ellie (7) built a Spitfire and a WW1 tank. She brush painted both.

Isabel (10) has so far built the Airfix Quad, limber and Gun and put it on a base. This was brush painted.
She put together the Airfix Sopwith Pup and is now on with the WW1 Tank. She is keen to put them on bases. The Pup she spray painted with a rattle can and the tank she had a go with an airbrush.

Their manual dexterity is excellent and their fingers work much better than mine.
Paint problem now resolved.
Had to re-apply colour twice to get correct shade.
Now ready for a coat of 'Kleer' prior to decals.
Some pictures, thanks for looking,
Modelling Projects / Re: Whirlwind HAR 9 conversion
« Last post by zak on July 24, 2024, 07:08:34 AM »
Looks Good.
How many rolls of tape do you get through in a month Kevin -hohohoho -  ::) ::) ::) ::)

My next container shipment is due.............
should have enough then.   hohohoho
Modelling Projects / Re: Amodel's MBB Bo105
« Last post by chriswil42 on July 23, 2024, 04:14:43 PM »
Will it have a zombie pilot hohohhoo  ::) ::) ::) ::)
No pilot in this one, dead or alive!
Looking good Kevin.
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