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General Discussion / Re: Play Day This Sunnday.
« Last post by MSea on Today at 08:30:16 AM »
See you Andy thanks for the info
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on Today at 08:06:56 AM »
Meanwhile, the Zero has been attached to the top of the tree,
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on Today at 07:48:11 AM »
Well, I have just shown her a Tamiya kit, she wants to get on with it, she says "WOW" this is so much better than the Airfix one, the parts fit really well and are so great!

What have I done?

She is off home today.
General Discussion / Re: Play Day This Sunnday.
« Last post by zak on Today at 07:18:29 AM »
Thanks Andy, see you there.
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by Bigkev on July 26, 2024, 09:02:34 PM »

Not restrictions or inhibitions, just do what you want, WW1 WITH WW2  and never mind the colours!

I know this is herasy to some of you but this is what model making is about - its not the correct final detail/colour/pattern/number of rivets  but enjoying what you do and to hell with what other people say.. If your bag is the correct final detail then just enjoy what you do and dont listen to anybody, even me.
Remember its a hobby for FUN and relaxation and just getting away from the problems of the world and the pain your body gives you - so enjoy whatever you do - but dont forget to put a zombie in every model hohohhoo

Very wise words and observations.
Strange for the Zombie King.
I fully endorse Martin's statement, and the approach of Dave's grandchildren to modelling. LET IT BE FUN!
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by MSea on July 26, 2024, 08:26:34 PM »

Not restrictions or inhibitions, just do what you want, WW1 WITH WW2  and never mind the colours!

I know this is herasy to some of you but this is what model making is about - its not the correct final detail/colour/pattern/number of rivets  but enjoying what you do and to hell with what other people say.. If your bag is the correct final detail then just enjoy what you do and dont listen to anybody, even me.
Remember its a hobby for FUN and relaxation and just getting away from the problems of the world and the pain your body gives you - so enjoy whatever you do - but dont forget to put a zombie in every model hohohhoo
General Discussion / Re: Play Day This Sunnday.
« Last post by Bigkev on July 26, 2024, 07:54:07 PM »
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the update. Don't think I'll be there this time, but the lads will be grateful of the heads up.
General Discussion / Play Day This Sunnday.
« Last post by councilman on July 26, 2024, 06:28:56 PM »
Hello all,
It's playday this Sunday. I'll be opening up for 9am and then disappearing until about 11. It's the family BBQ on Saturday so I have the tidying up to do in the morning.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by zak on July 26, 2024, 02:38:00 PM »
I thought that I was fast but Isabel models at the speed of light.

I just leave her and she calls me for advice on occasions. She is half way through a 1/72 Zero.
She will paint this purple and add it to the growing diorama.

Not restrictions or inhibitions, just do what you want, WW1 WITH WW2  and never mind the colours!

The Zero will be flying above the tree, when she finishes it!

I just operated the electrostatic grass applicator and supply paint of the desired colour.

I think she would like a go at something bigger - maybe next time.
Modelling Projects / Re: The younger Modeller
« Last post by chriswil42 on July 26, 2024, 12:42:16 PM »
Your granddaughters hve done rather well. Must catch up.
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