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East Riding of Yorkshire Model Show 2019.

Started by Bigkev, July 04, 2019, 08:39:02 PM

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Hi All,

just to let you know that the planning for the East Riding of Yorkshire Model Show 2019 is well underway and almost complete.

The Show will take place on Sunday 1st September 2019 at the Rix Pavilion, Driffield Showground, Kelleythorpe, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 9DN.

The show will be open from 09.30am until 4.00pm

Entry Prices are £3.50 per Adult, accompanied Children up to 15yrs FREE with paying Adult.

We will have a large selection of Club's and SIG's, and a good selection of Traders in associated modelling genre's.

These include, Kit Traders, Specialist Tools, Books, Decal Specialists, Model Lighting Suppliers, Model Bases, Bespoke Model Producers.

We at IPMS Bridlington and Wolds Scale Model Club are grateful for all the support from both Traders, Clubs and SIG's without you we could not make this show happen.

Also taking place at the event will be....

Make and Take Event, kindly sponsored by Airfix.
Informal Model competition over several categories/scales.
East Riding of Yorkshire Competition ( Specifically for East Riding of Yorkshire themed Subjects)
Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity Sale Event.
Best Club Display Trophy.
Hot and Cold Refreshments.
Outside Displays, including Large Scale Radio Controlled Boats, and hopefully Radio Controlled Aircraft Display, weather permitting.
We also hope to have a local ATC Squadron Presence, giving information and a display showcasing their activities, opportunities.

There is ample FREE Parking on site, and all Traders/Clubs/SIG's are able to unload close to the Rix Pavilion before the show opens.

So far we have the following confirmed Traders, Club's and SIG's:-

These are as follows:-


World Books ( Avid Reader)
Modelling Tools UK ( Little Cars)
Halifax Modellers World
Coastal Craft Models
Tiger Hobbies/Models
Mighty Lancer Games
Richard Leach Books
Tirydium Lighting
Brigade Models
Black Mike Models
Icelandic Fine Art
Quality Catering

Clubs and SIG's

IPMS Bridlington and Wolds Scale Model Club.
Tornado SIG
Lightning SIG
Luftwaffe SIG
IPMS Cleveland
York Plastic Modellers
SIG 1/144th
Washington Model Club
IPMS Rotherham
Canberra SIG
Tyneside Independent Modellers
South Tyneside Modellers
Airfix Modelling SIG
IPMS Executive
IPMS Coventry and Warwickshire
Bridlington Model Boat Society
IPMS Langley Moor
Band of Modellers, (Hull)
IPMS Keighley
IPMS North Riding
IPMS Nomads
IPMS Black Sheep Modellers
580 Modellers

There are a still a few Traders/Club's/SIG's still to confirm in the next couple of weeks so keep watching for further updates.


Kevin( Samuraiwarrior) 
I hope my next is always better


Hi All,
Just to let you know that we attended Beverley Armed Forces Day today and put on a club display mainly themed on local subjects and the D-Day Anniversary. Lots of interest shown in the made models on display.
As a result, lots of flyers were handed out to interested members of the public, so hopefully the attendance figures may be swelled as a result.
I hope my next is always better


Hi All,
The confirmation letters for all Clubs and SIGs will be posted out this week, complete with Wristbands and competition information.
Traders confirmations and details will be sent out the following week. Their wristbands will be on a collection on arrival basis.
The Show Committee are having and on site meeting with Driffield Showground on Friday 26th July 2019 to finalise all furniture, equipment, access, health and safety matters.
In addition, I have had an on site meeting with Scarborough Model Flying Club (SMFC) and we have agreed the flying display area which will be adjacent to the Rix Pavilion and will be segregated by poles and barrier tape.
So far I have all but three club members contact me about their availability to assist if possible over the show weekend. Thankyou to all who have responded and given me those details, without your help the show could not happen.
I hope my next is always better


Hi All,

The East Riding of Yorkshire Trophy for the model which depicts/relates to the East Riding of Yorkshire will take place at the show. This is a special one-off Trophy, and details are attached to this post.
Those club members who wish to enter a model in this Trophy must contact Bob Cooper to let him know what you are bringing.
You also must Let Bill Newton know which model(s) are in the competition so that you can be given a special numbered ERYC label to place alongside your model for judging.
I hope my next is always better


Evening All,

Just advise you that by end of play tomorrow night, we hope to have all Club/SIG conformations posted out for 'Our Show 2019'
We look forward to seeing you all there.
I hope my next is always better


Hi Big Kev
Can I check what times you need us to arrive on Saturday and Sunday please?



9am Saturday, 7am Sunday. See you there.


Hi Roger and Haddock,

Thankyou to Haddock for replying before me with the times, I have been at work all day.
There was a full briefing at the last meeting, but unfortunately you couldn't make it, so never got the times as the next newsletter isn't due to go out until after the show.
Sorry, about that Roger, one to remember for next year.
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday 09.00am until set up complete, and Sunday (Show Day) 07.00am please until end of show and strike down please.

I hope my next is always better



Hi All,
Just wanted to say a BIG Thankyou to everybody in the club who helped to make the show another success this year.
I would like to pay special thanks to all of the show committee for their assistance to me, for undertaking a lot of duties to make my life easier. I hope that they will all be willing to back me once again for next year.

Also, I would like express my thanks for the many Club Leaders and Individuals who have either contacted me direct or via Britmodeller and AMSIG websites. Your comments are very gratefully received and show that you do appreciate the efforts of all the club and acknowledge its friendly and welcoming nature

I hope my next is always better