Author Topic: Mitsubishi A6M2b 'Zero'  (Read 1078 times)


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Mitsubishi A6M2b 'Zero'
« on: May 16, 2022, 12:29:16 PM »
I built this kit at Play Day 8 to go on the 'Make & Take' table in September. It's the 2017 rebox of the new tooling and came in a bag with just the instructions. No decals and the message "just build it, don't paint it". So what do you get? 43 parts on 3 sprues, 6 of which I didn't use as 4 are for 'wheels up' and 2 for folded wing tips though this isn't an option,  plus a clear canopy, some of which are very small and fragile so it may challenge some of the younger builders. It did John and Peter but that's another story. The pegs for the seat on the rear cockpit bulkhead are delicate with one breaking off as I removed the sprues from the bag and another following shortly. Whilst these were mending I started the engine. For whatever reason the front bank of cylinders is moulded in a circular frame which makes removal interesting and it also has flash. When it came to fitting the propeller boss through it I had to push hard to get it through. Remember I'm building this without filing, sanding etc, Next up was the cockpit interior, the side walls have adequate detail on them, the instrument panel is a blank, no doubt there would be a decal, and the joystick had an ejector pin on it and consequently broke needing repair when I tried to remove it. With everything mended and in place the fuselage was closed up followed by fitting the front fuselage top, to which the mg gun breeches are fitted, followed by the engine and cowling. There isn't a lot of purchase for this to the fuselage and when I fitted the bottom wing the latter fell off so I would say if building this kit fit the bottom wing then the cowling. Normally I would sand the wing parts for a good fit, as I would the tailplanes, so there are gaps. Two very small actuators and a pitot complete the wings.
Next up is the undercarriage and there are two small doors that fit on the outer edge of the well and the instructions make it appear at first glance as though they go in the holes, They don't they're for the u/c legs. The wheel hubs only have detail on one side so make sure that side faces out. I'd cut out the slot for the belly tank prior to fitting the wings and this was then fitted followed by the propeller and spinner. Time to fit the pilot. Now this guy must have been a Sumo wrestler as he was too big and in trying to force him in I broke the seat off it's mountings, remember I said they were delicate. So he was left out and the seat repositioned. With the aerial put in place and the canopy slotted over the build was complete.
This is a well detailed kit though the panel lines are a bit deep and some of the parts are a bit small, with the now usual Airfix tight tolerances. If I wasn't building it at 'Warp factor Wayne' then I'd have spent more time getting things to fit better and tidying up the gaps. If one of these turns up in Aldi or Lidl at a reduced price then I might just be tempted to get one though this boxing A01005A only have one decal option.


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Re: Mitsubishi A6M2b 'Zero'
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2022, 01:14:19 PM »
Nicely done Chris.


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Re: Mitsubishi A6M2b 'Zero'
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2022, 06:49:39 PM »
Aaah Sooo......
Nice build young Grasshopper!
I hope my next is always better