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Messages - Bigkev

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 270
Modelling Projects / Re: Whirlwind HAR 9 conversion
« on: Today at 05:30:03 PM »
Hi Chris,
I have some Mr. Colour 171 for you as discussed, will bring it to the meeting.

Modelling Projects / Re: A blast from the past
« on: Today at 05:27:18 PM »
Hi Zak,
Look at it this way, you'll only need a few colours........Black, White, Flesh and Silver
Be interesting to see how they look after a session in your hands.

Hi Dave,
Thanks for taking and posting the pictures.
A very good day out with great company, plenty of discussion and banter.
I didn't buy anything modelling wise, must be coming down with something.......!
Thanks to all of my compatriots for a most enjoyable day.

Modelling Projects / Re: Whirlwind HAR 9 conversion
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:42:59 PM »
Ooooo, that looks interesting.
Watching with interest.

General Discussion / Re: Playday 21
« on: May 26, 2024, 08:19:47 PM »
A nice pleasant day with lots of banter.
Got some modelling done too.
Thanks for the pictures Martin

Modelling Projects / Re: Kirov
« on: May 26, 2024, 08:17:11 PM »
So this is was keeping you quiet at the Playday today.
Haddock would be pleased.

Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: May 26, 2024, 08:15:33 PM »
Very good Dave.

Thanks for the comments guys.
Well moving on, I have now glued the fuselage halves together.
Being a short run kit, there are no locating pins, only the tabs that I attached the fuselage halves earlier in the build. Some misalignment on the two halves namely around the upper fuselage/spine and underside, were evident.
Also the fuselage/cockpit bulkhead would need some filler to fair in.
For the fuselage cockpit bulkhead I used Mr. Hobby tube filler, applied with a spatula. For the rest of the fuselage I used Milliput white. To keep the area of application to a minimum I applied Tamiya tape strips either side of the join, and also some finer strips across the fuselage where panel lines cross the join. This enables these to remain visible and not removed with over enthusiastic rubbing down. As can be seen in one of the pictures gaps in the Milliput where the Tamiya tape has protected these areas.
After a session of rubbing down with sanding sticks and wet'n'dry, got a nice smooth finish. The cockpit bulkhead faired in nicely and will need the paintwork touching in to match the cockpit internals later in the build. Any panel lines that have been lost or lost definition will be rescribed after the wings and tail have been attached.
Some pictures follow:-
Thanks for looking.

Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: May 22, 2024, 10:17:05 AM »
Amazing skill and use of basic items to create this 'Siege Tower'

Modelling Projects / Re: Colourful Dutch AB412
« on: May 22, 2024, 10:15:20 AM »
Looking very nice.

Modelling Projects / Re: BA Chinook
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:51:55 PM »
Hi Chris,
Keep persevering and your patience will pay off with a delightful model I am sure.

Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:50:05 PM »
Looking good Zak.
Can I ask if 'Neil of the Robin' will be wearing his green tights at the next club meeting......?

Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: May 15, 2024, 05:36:58 PM »
Very nice Zak.
I always like your attention to detail and getting the correct figures, equipment, setting right.
Another modelling incursion into another interesting historical period.
Another one to look forward at a future meeting.

Hi All,
A little update. The cockpit side walls have been painted and decalled. I used a very dark grey, then applied a coat of 'Kleer'. After this had dried I gave it a wash of heavily thinned black oil paint. Once dry a dry brush with some light grey paint to highlight details.
The floor received a similar finish but I stopped short on the top of the bulkhead as I want to fill any gaps once the fuselage and cockpit interior is all glued in place. A slight difference was that around the rudder pedals and floor I added scratches from a silver coloured pencil where the boots would mark the paintwork.
The instrument panel was painted up. I added the dials individually from some Airscale instrument decals and some Reheat dials too. Those that were too big I just got a suitable size punch and die and punched the centre part I wanted. A few dots of colour added, admittedly using personal choice to add intrest.
All the above now need a sealing coat of Satin Varnish, and the the fuselage halves joined.
Some pictures follow, thanks for looking.

Hi Chris,
Sounds exactly what I do, but without the pencil.

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