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Topics - Bigkev

Modelling Projects / Howard's Junkers
January 26, 2025, 07:54:16 PM
Hi All,
This project is a 'Thankyou' and reflection on the kind gift from fellow club member Howard, who raided his stash (or should that be 'Thinned it out') and presented me with an 1/144th Eduard Combo set of Messerschmitt 262's that I am building elsewhere on this forum, in addition he also brought along two Junkers Ju87's in 1/144th one a 'B' the other a 'D'.
Howard had done the lions share of the 'B' (shown here) but it had suffered from a couple of breaks and a little glue on the canopy. The etch brass was unused as were the decals.
So as thanks to Howard I hope to give this kit a bit of a refresh and finish it.
At this stage I'll probably mould a new canopy and perhaps a suggestion of a cockpit, then repair/reattach the broken parts and add the etch brass.
Then give it a neat paint job.

Some pictures follow, thanks for looking
Hi All,
Decided to do something a little bigger this time. It is the Italeri kit of the Ilyushin Il-2M3 Stormovik in 1/48th scale. This kit was originally an Accurate Miniatures moulding but now released by Italeri. The single seat variant is also available but is currently a Revell boxing.
The kit is well moulded with virtually no flash at all, it has sharp well defined panel lines, and a good looking decal sheet. The canopy and clear parts are crystal clear.
I intend to use the Eduard 'Zoom' etch set on this build, which concentrates mainly on the cockpit and should enhance the detail the kit provides, especially the seat belts which are in decal form in the kit.
A few pictures of the sprues to whet your appetite.

Hi All,
Just completed this whilst getting my next Me 262's together. It is a Brengun kit of of the Horten Go-229 Flying Wing in 1/144th Scale.
Mostly made straight from box, but with replacement decals from spares box, and plasticard undercarrige doors of finer appearance.
Finished in Aeromaster RLM80 and RLM83, and RLM76 and then a mix Matt/Satin varnish.
Markings are totally '1946 What-if' but Chris might identify the defense of the Reich bands to a particular unit.
Some pictures follow:-
Thanks for looking.
Modelling Projects / Fly 1/48 Jet Provost T.5
August 26, 2024, 08:02:54 PM
Hi All,
Next up on the Jet Provost theme/line up.
This time a Jet Provost T.5 which will be finished in the normal Red/White and Light Grey colour scheme. This will be built from the Fly Models BAC 167 Strikemaster/Jet Provost T.5/5A kit, and will use some Xtradecal Jet Provost decals.
Kit is moulded in Dark grey with both Resin and Etch parts.
Some pictures of the kit and its contents follow.
Thanks for looking,
General Discussion / Halifax Modellers World.
June 12, 2024, 10:10:50 PM
Hi All,
Just been to West Yorkshire for a few days. On Monday we visited Halifax, mainly to call in at the Piece Hall.
To my surprise, we came across Halifax Modellers World shop adjacent to one of the entrances, run by the other Dave S.
Christine said I could call in. The outside of the shop had a large front double window with some made up kits on display. These could have done with a good dusting......
The door to the right was reminiscant of some sort of 'dubious night club', but upon opening revealed a large shop with a huge selection of models mainly on racks and shelves around the outside edge, and inside this some shelving with books, made models, diorama accessories, more made models.
Dave and I exchanged pleasantries, but he was soon busy with customers. In fact in the 20 minutes I was in there browsing, he was constantly serving customers, chatting with them about latest projects, new items coming in, etc. Obviously there are a good few modellers in the Halifax area.
I didn't buy anything though in my mind I could have spent the odd couple of hundred pounds with ease.
If you are in the area call in and see Dave and his extensive selection, I'm sure you will find something of interest, however I was under control and best behaviour this time.
Some pictures follow:-
Modelling Projects / Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper UAV 1/48th
April 01, 2024, 08:17:30 PM
Hi All,
Another change of tack. I thought of having a go at a more modern offering and have always wanted to do a Drone.
So I bought the Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper kit, which I think is actually from the Skunkworks moulding, and was also re boxed by Revell.
This Kinetics go at it and is nicely moulded in Grey and Clear plastic. It also has a really nice decal sheet with lots of options for Reaper UAV's operated by numerous countries. 
The wingspan is quite impressive, being about two and a half times that of a single engined WWII aircraft. At the moment I have done some basic assembly of the wings and navigation lights. I have also added the undercarriage bays and some plasticene/lead pellets to the fuselage bottom.
The way the model is moulded you would be able to see up and through the engine intake/exhaust, so to prevent this I have blanked off the rear of the undercarriage bay with plastic card and painted it very dark grey, no other detail just the blanking plates on the fuselage and engine assemblies.
The engine intake has some mould sink marks on the inside, both upper and lower. To fill these I used thick superglue and talc mixed together, allowed to harden naturally then it just sands/carves down as plastic to leave a nice smooth blemish free finish.
Prop goes together nicely, just a minimum of filling to do here. The engine pod needs a little work the upper seam needs to be tidied up with some filler and some panel line added where it fades out across the uppers.
Have done a quick dry fit and all looks like it will go together happily with little need for filling.
Some pictures follow:-
Thanks for looking.

General Discussion / WHERE AND WHEN WE MEET.
March 14, 2024, 02:18:01 PM
Hi All,

Bridlington and Wolds Scale Model Club meet as follows:-


YO25 9QW


2nd Wednesday of month.


19.30pm until 22.00pm

Membership Annually   £12.00 per year ( 3 free visits as guest member, thereafter membership payable pro-rata for number of months left in current membership year) Membership year runs from March to February.

All are welcome.

For further information please contact the club secretary:-

Mr. Neil Robinson

57 Cliff Road
East Yorkshire
HU18 1HU

01964 769359

Well, continuing the Training theme, I have decided to make another Provost.
This time, it is a T.4 to go with my Provost T.1, and my Jet Provost T.3, again in 1/48th.
I will be making this one as a an RAF machine based at RAF Brawdy, in a two tone Grey scheme with some Yellow splashes of colour.
The kit is moulded in a caramel coloured plastic with Clear parts for the canopies/lights. In addition there are some nice Resin parts for the cockpit. Note, that I have already 'raided' the decal sheet for the roundels/insignia for the T.1, but it doesn't matter as this one will be using pale blue/pink roundels on this machine.
Some pictures of the kit follow, building will start as soon as I've added the final bits to the Provost T.1 elsewhere on here.
Thanks for looking:-
Hi All,
Just to let you know that IPMS Bridlington and Wolds SMC, were able to present Yorkshire Air Ambulance with a cheque for ?3,000 (Three Thousand Pounds) at our December meeting.
The bulk of the amount came from the monies raised by the sale of the model collection of the late club member Tony Wilson which amounted to ?2,700, in addition the club members had also raised a further ?300 from the sale of Models, Tools, Accessories from items from our former Club Chairman Tony Beesting, and local modellers.

The club has supported the charity a few times before, and it was the wish of Tony Wilson for any monies raised to be handed in support of the charity. The cheque was presented by Kevin Dolman to Keiron Hardwick, Community Fundraiser for Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Some pictures of the night follow, courtesy of Dave who took them to record the event.   

Modelling Projects / Mikromir Percival Provost T.1 1/48
December 03, 2023, 08:45:46 PM
Hi All,
Started this at last playday.
It will be my next project in Trainer Aircraft.
A short run type kit, with some etch brass and masks provided in it.
I intend to make this a T.1 variant used as a trainer by the RAF, not the armed version in this offering.
Some pictures of the kit contents, and the dry run I have done so far. Quite a lot of cleaning up of the parts were required, and will be needed as the build progresses.
Help / Expo Modellers Paint Remover 50ml
November 14, 2023, 08:59:13 PM
Hi All,

Just like to share with you a product that I have come across and have used.

It is Expo Paint Remover 50ml. I bought it from Follymodels on Ebay.

It is a gel type product, applied by brush. It is Water Based, No Fumes, No skin Burns, No VOC's according to the packaging. I must agree that it does not smell, easy to use, brushes clean out in water, and it hasn't burnt me.

Apply it by brush, leave it a short while, (pack says an hour) then scrub the plastic surface and the paint comes away. I have used a stiff brush after about 15 mins, then a quick dip in some warm water and it really moves the paint. I have used it on both Acrylic and oil based (Humbrol) paint and works on both equally well.

Note:- be careful in your application that it does not find itself on a painted surface you DON'T want stripping because it works. Guess who found out the hard way despite thinking he had masked sufficiently.

Price at time of purchase ?4.99 plus postage.

A good one to have in your modelling box, if you need to repaint something, renew the paint job without too much hassle


Modelling Projects / Pyro Gloster Gladiator 1/48
November 01, 2023, 08:01:49 PM
Hi All,
Well, a while since I posted a build on here but I would like to share with you my Gloster Gladiator in 1/48th by Pyro, though I think it was orginally a Lindberg moulding, plus a offering under Impact.

This has lain in the stash a while, and I did tinker with it a while back but then got side lined. On reopening the box, I found that I had invested in an Airwaves etch brass set, which I intend to use. I also had begun to drill out the duzz fastners on the starboard fuselage halve, but now I think that was not a good idea.

So, the kit is about 60 years old, but for its age is quite nicely moulded with some very fine panel and rib lines. A basic cockpit is provided, but I shall use the etch to improve this. My start point was to put some stretched sprue into each of those holes secured with some liquid poly, it now resembles a hedgehog and will get a haircut next time at the bench. The wings have some moulding/sink marks on them which need dealing with. I scored each sink mark in a cross hatch before using some Mr. Hobby white putty, to fill them. Once dry I'll sand them flush.
The engine is very nicely moulded, but I noticed the hole for the prop was off centre. To correct this I fiiled the hole with Milliput, so when dry can be drilled out centrally.

Some pictures follow of the kit parts and done so far:-

Col. Tony's Modelling Equipment and Tools

Hi All,

Please find below a list of the late Col.Tony's Modelling Equipment and Tools that Andy and I will be bringing to the next club meeting (13th September 2023).

These SHOULD have appeared in the latest newsletter which came out today, but for some unknown reason have not. As, I was asked to submit Lists and Pictures for club members so they could see the items, please find them here for your information.

Any monies/donations for items will be going to Col. Tony's chosen charity Yorkshire Air Ambulance, so please give generously.

Glues, Tube and Liquid
Modelling knives (various) Blades (various)
Razor saws
Tamiya Tape
Paint Brushes
Decals everything you can think of stripes, numbers, roundels, etc
Plasticard, sprue, rod, clear acetate
Mini Drill w/transformer + attachments, abrasive heads/polishing discs
Display bases printed and homemade various sizes
Lots of propellors, seats, wheels,
Military vehicle decals + accessories
Humbrol paint tins, spray cans, varnish,

Thanks for looking.


General Discussion / Cyril Hansell
July 22, 2023, 04:24:03 PM
Dear All,

Again I must be the bearer of sad news.

Sadly, Cyril Hansell, former Chairman and life member of the club, passed away at home during the early hours of today 22nd July 2023.

Cyril had not been well for some time, after suffering poor health followed recently by a stroke. He passed away at home peacefully with his wife Pat and daughter Stephanie at his side.

He was a great advocate for the club, and was a superb Military modeller turning out great examples of Tanks and other fighting vehicles. Always willing to give advice, and help others, he had a great deal of friends in the modelling community and had an infectious laugh when something humorous tickled him.

He will be sadly missed by all who knew him, and our thoughts and prayers go to Pat and Stephanie at this sad time.

Joe, is in contact with Stephanie and will advise of the funeral arrangements once they have been arranged.

Another sad loss for the club.

General Discussion / Col. Tony Wilson
July 21, 2023, 09:54:57 PM
Hi All,
It is my sad duty to inform you that one of our most respected members Col. Tony Wilson has passed away after a long illness.

Tony passed away peacefully at home early this evening Friday 21st July 2023.

Tony will always be remembered for his undeniable modelling skill, and his outstanding knowledge of everything Military. He was a good friend to all who knew him, and did not suffer fools gladly. He had a wicked sense of humour, sometimes rather dry but with a twinkle in eye.

Another sad day for the club and its members.

Details of his funeral will be made available as they become known.

Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news.
Modelling Projects / ATL-98 Carvair 1/144th Conversion
January 24, 2023, 08:21:34 PM
Hi All,
Well I haven't posted a build for a while so I thought I'd share this project that I am starting.

Firstly, a little bit of history.

The ATL-98 (Aviation Traders Limited) Carvair, was a conversion in which a new nose was grafted onto the fuselage of a C-54 Skymaster. The purpose was to elevate the cockpit above the fuselage level and allow cars to be driven into the fuselage.
Already, the car ferry operation had been carried out by the Bristol Superfreighter 170 Mk.32, which could accommodate 3 cars and up to 20 passengers. The new Carvair aircraft could accommodate 5 cars and 22 passengers, but had the ability to be reconfigured to carry mixed freight/cars and up to 55 passengers so making a better more useful airframe.
The initial design was the brainchild of Freddie Laker, who drew a rough drawing of what the aircraft would look like on a cigarette packet. From there he formed the Aviation Traders Limited, and began buying war surplus C-54 airframes with the view to converting them into Carvair's by adding a new bulbous nose and a strengthened floors. As a result of the floor the nose undercarriage had to be re-configured.     

To model a Carvair in 1/144th I could have bought the Roden kit, but having seen some builds, there seems to be an issue with the cockpit area.
So I decided to kit bash a Minicraft C-54 Skymaster and Braz Carvair fuselage conversion. The conversion parts are a bit clunky, but after refinement I think will be okay. In addition I purchased some new decals for BAF (British Air Ferries) in a nice pale blue and pale brown livery.

I intend to display the model 'loading' a car into the nose, and this means I will have to scratch build a 'Hylo' scissor lift. This was made by ATEL (Aviation Traders Engineering Limited) and was created purposely for Carvair operations, later variants would be sold to other airline operators such a Flying Tiger Airlines using Canadair CL-44 swing tail freighters.

A layout of the parts and decals follow, for your information.

Next post will see the build underway.
Hi All,

For those who have been unable to find the post about 'Our Show' this is a copy of what was posted in the FAQ section on 25th July 2022.

Hi All,

It is with deep regret that the club has decided to cancel this years East Riding of Yorkshire Model Show 2022, it is a decision that has not been taken lightly.

Due to a number of Parties who had initially expressed interest in attending, but have sadly decided now to not attend due to health and financial reasons, made the show financially unviable for the club to continue to run.

All monies paid by those Traders who were still attending will be refunded in full, similarly any Club/SIG who had paid for additional wristbands will refunded in full.

We are extremely grateful for the support we have received from Club's/Sig's and Traders over the past years, and from the modelling family who have come along to the shows.

We hope you all understand that the decision to cancel was not taken lightly, and we waited until the last possible moment to cancel without being liable for the full cost of venue/equipment/table hire.

A sad day for the Club.


General Discussion / Summer Modelling Blues.......
June 25, 2022, 08:06:05 PM
Hi All,
Though I keep watching the posts on the website, I am frustrated by my own ability to model during the summer months.
I find that I cannot get comfortable to sit down and model. The heat, the light, the other outdoor events/jobs all conspire to mean that I cannot 'get into' modelling. I have a few 'halfway projects' that I hope to restart once the nights get shorter, the days a bit cooler, the jobs a few less.

So I apologise to my fellow contributor's, that I have not posted a build or project for a while,  it is not that I don't want to model, it's that I find it physically not for me at the moment.
Does anybody else have similar problems, or are you all able to adapt at this time of year?

Hi All,

As part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration, Driffield where the club meets are holding a Flower Festival in All Saint's Church from 2nd to 5th June 2022, organised by Driffield in Bloom.
Club's, Organisation's, and Local Businesses' have been invited to join in, and submit a Floral Display celebrating to Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
On behalf of the Club, I will be putting together a display with a nod to our hobby.

This will be a representation of the the Austin K2 Ambulance pictured with the then Princess Elizabeth during her service with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1944. The kit is the Airfix example, built straight from the box with the exception of changed serial and unit markings, colour scheme. The figure is modified from the Airfix DH Heron 'Air Hostess' with modified arm, jacket, peaked hat from plasticard.
Picture of the Ambulance and Figure so far. Will post the finished Floral display complete with said photo and club information just before going on display in the church, or you can just pop into the Church to see it.
Modelling Projects / Airfix Sopwith Pup 1/72
March 01, 2022, 07:53:31 PM
Hi All,
Well another of my incomplete models that I have decided to complete.
This is the Airfix Sopwith Pup in 1/72.
I decided to adopt a different approach for fixing the upperwing and filled the slots of the interplane struts to just leave the strut attachment points to attach to. I also did a little bit of work on the fuselage sides trying to replicate the cockpit ribbing.
So far, it is now painted and partially decalled, all coming from the spares box and using the Scalemates website to see the paint scheme and decal placement on the instruction sheets. Roundels came from two sets of Frog Swordfish decals, these being at least 30 years old!!
Need to touch in the rudder stripes, add a serial in the box on the fuselage, and the word 'Anzac' from Modeldecal lettering. Paintwise the struts need a flesh base before using Oil paint to streak and replicate the varnished wood. The wheels need painting. Assemble top wing to the rest of the airframe, add the wheels and then rigging the model.
Some pictures of my 'Pup' as is now:-