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MSea Army

Started by MSea, May 02, 2019, 02:05:31 PM

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As a lot of you know I come to this hobby from the history side of life, not like some of you who came out of the womb with a scalpel in one hand and super glue in the other.  So at the moment I am back enjoying doing figure models of historical soldiers.
The Samurai and the Praetorian are new 1/16 scale MiniArt figures and the Hussar was an old white metal Post Militaire that had no work done on it at all.   
The Agincourt archer was from 30/40 years ago and just had the hands and face to do as well as the base. Looking around in the loft found some more figures from when I was at sea, the knight is white metal ( no idea who or what company ) and just has the helmet and morning glory to finish ( that is if I can find the bit of the weapon that is missing. )
Before Haddock gives me hell , I am still doing my ship models but at a reduced rate, to fit in finishing some of the figure models.


Looks like you will have a lot to bring on Wednesday.
Grumpy by name and nature


Quote from: zak on May 02, 2019, 02:31:59 PM
Looks like you will have a lot to bring on Wednesday.
Just a lot of trouble and aggravation for you lot -- I may even bring a model figure.
Found the head of the morning glory but the chain is just a LUMP of white metal, so have removed this and replaced with chain ( 17 links per inch before Haddock asks ) will now prime this and then add it to the wooden handle.


Hate to point it out but the arrow is the wrong side of the bow on the archer!


Sorry Haddock but he is only an apprentice and does not know what he is doing - hohoho


Next one to finish off - again no idea who or what he is.
Just for Haddock - at least the archer has the arrow the correct way round -- pointy end away from the body - at least that is the way i hope it should be.


Morning glory finished and added to the handle.


Next model from the loft - a Chas Stadden 75mm Rifleman of the 95th.  Just the rifle and a few bits and bobs to finish off -- don't ask why they were never finished, I have no idea.


Bits finished now back to the yellow shades on the knight.


Packing trunk required to get all your models to the meeting.
Grumpy by name and nature


Was thinking about sorting out Pickfords to deliver them all -- just joking will just bring 2.


Just like a magician  in reverse, instead of cutting the lady in half, now its fitting the 2 half of the knight into one.


Last bit added to the figure


Grumpy by name and nature


Quote from: zak on May 10, 2019, 08:13:37 AM
Good (K)night!

and good night to you - just back from the Malvern show, didn't see Haddock, he must have hidden from me - I can't think why ?????