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Revell VIIc U-Boat 1/350

Started by Bigkev, January 22, 2017, 07:07:00 PM

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Quote from: Bigkev on February 02, 2017, 09:36:51 AM
Hi Pen-Pusher,

Thanks for your comments and the correction re-'sail'.
it shall be the conning tower from now on.
See, I've learnt something new again.
Conning along nicely then. Sorry couldn't resist.
Grumpy by name and nature


Hi All,

Model has now been primed in Vallejo Acrylic Primer. Then the first actual colours applied.
To the sides of the hull/conning tower, I have applied a mix of Tamiya Light Grey XF-66 and White XF-2, about ratio of 3 to 1 plus thinners. Once dry I applied a random spray of a darker grey mix about ratio of 2 to 1 plus thinners along the hull sides and conning tower. This is probably a little too stark at this stage and will overspray the hull with a thinned mix of something in between to soften the effect.
What I wanted was to break the monotone grey colour, in readiness for later weathering and washes.
Once done the rest of the hull will be painted in Tamiya German Grey XF-63, but the density of the paint varied along the hull sides, again to break up the monotone colour.
A couple of pictures follow:-,
I hope my next is always better



Some tidying up work to be done on those railings on the conning tower. You don't actually see some flaws until you post a picture of it. It shall be addressed tomorrow.
I hope my next is always better


Hi All,
Well a little more progress with this project. I have masked off the lower hull in readiness for painting. Using fine strips of Tamiya tape along the waterline first, then deeper strips until all above waterline masked.
Then I sprayed a light coat of the light grey along the masking tape edge. This is to help prevent, any bleeding of paint showing. Then I used a nail manicure stick and ran it along the tape edge before applying Tamiya German Grey. This was applied thinly at first, then a couple of drops of Black added to the paint cup. The main weld lines and areas in shadow were touched in in this mix creating a different tonal effect. I cleaned out the airbrush and then using the German Grey again, misted on a very thin coat to blend the two together.
Once dry I removed the masking and revealed the full hull with a varied effect in preparation to weathering later on in the build.
There were a couple of small areas requiring touching along the hull especially at the top of the ballast tank, these will be dealt with a fine brush before weathering begins. I now need to decide on the colour of the deck. Some sources say it was like a linoleum pale brown in colour others a dark painted metallic finish. As this will be finished as U-81 in 1941 I reckon the former might be right. Any suggestions from you guys?
Some pictures of the paint job follow
I hope my next is always better


According to Edward Rossler's 'U-Boat' technical description, U-81 had a slatted wood centre section deck aft of the tower except around the gun mount. The forward section had been replaced with steel corrugated sections with wood inlays. I guess the wood would be stained and look darker when wet.

Photos U-81 (Not much help I'm afraid)


Looking good and thanks for the "how to" photos. They help lesser beings like myself.


Hi Kiteman,
Thankyou for your comments. This is a learning curve for me, so my observations are only what I see or do.
I have no expertise in any sense...............ask my wife!
I hope my next is always better


Steady Kevin, moderating may occur.
Grumpy by name and nature


Hi All,
Well I'm back on with this one at last!
I have decided to paint the upper deck in RLM74, an aircraft colour but one to my eye blends nicely with a sea colour. This colour will be toned down with oils and washes, so will not be as vivid as it first seems.
In order to get a nice demarcation line, I have used thin Tamiya tape along the deck edge and the conning tower with additional wider tape, and then paper masks edged with Tamiya tape to prevent overspray.
I know that there will be some touching up here and there, as I am used to 'bigger' aeroplanes that are easier to mask, so here goes........
Next instalment will hopefully see the colour on.
A few pictures follow of the masking in place
I hope my next is always better


Grumpy by name and nature


Hi All,
Well after me holidays, I'm back to the bench again.
Just like to show you where I am now on this project.
The masking has been removed and I am happy with the colour, though this will be weathered and washed as you will see. Firstly after all the masking had been removed, there were a couple of areas that needed touching up and this was done with some thinned grey paint and a fine brush.
Once dry, I then gave the whole Hull and Conning tower a couple of coats of Johnson's 'Kleer' to seal the paint finish. I was left with a nice glossy finish ready for the Oil Washes and weathering to follow.
I left it a day to harden, then I applied a Brush wetted with Turpentine to the deck areas to aid the wash. The wash was a mix of Burnt Umber Oil paint and Turpentine. I had laid the Burnt Umber Oil paint onto some scrap cardboard for an hour or so to allow the excess Oil in the paint to soak into the card before I made the mix and went any further. I gently coated the entire deck area with the mix ensuring that the wash went into all the crevices and detail mould into the deck.  The previously 'wetted' surface made the wash mix flow into them more readily. I then put the model aside to dry for a few hours, so that I can then remove the excess. That will be in the next post, but until then a few pictures of the above follow.
I hope my next is always better


Very interesting that Kevin. Next time we meet, I'll be picking your brains.


Thank you very much for the lesson, I look forward to seeing the next stage...this is great stuff, Keep it coming!!!


Thankyou Gentlemen,
I glad you like it so far. Haddock more than happy for my Brain cell to be picked, though what I can tell you about ships, is beyond me.
Hopefully the reveal of the washing will inspire you to give it a go.
I hope my next is always better