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What am I building now?

Started by Kiteman, April 27, 2015, 08:51:48 PM

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So here is a 1:48 model from AZ Models. The mouldings are pretty poor and the fit is the same. never mind. The question is, what is it! lets see how long it takes before someone can tell me what exactly this is. A bit of a competition and a bit of fun!

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It looks like something with wings to me, is that a cockpit I see before me.
Grumpy by name and nature


Well it has to be something that flies.



Hi Kiteman,

Could it be a Morane Saulnier MS.406 in 1/48th?

I hope my next is always better


Having just checked Kevin's answer out and looked at some cockpits of that aircraft online, if he's not right, he's not far wrong!!!


Who`s a spotter then?...Wowzayowza! Morane Saulnier is correct, well done but the type is not correct (said in a voice like Magnus Magnussun). We will keep it going and see what happens........there is hope for you yet Wizzel!


Hi Kiteman,

Is it a Morane Saulnier D-3801 in Swiss Markings?
I hope my next is always better


Give me a chance to post some piccies.........you are too good for me!


Kev, I owe you an apology. You are absolute correct in your assumption. For some obscure unknown reason, when I replied I had a completely different aircraft in my head. All this modelling is causing short cirquits in the old grey matter. So please accept my apology and congratulations on spotting this on at such an early stage. I see that I will have to make it harder next time!
Wizzel........too late!


Yeah, I wouldn't have got it anyway.  I'm not so hot on French, Italian or Jap aircraft yet.  Well done Kevin - have you made one of these yourself or are you just a massive cockpit spotter?


Hi Wizzel,
Could see it was a late 30's or WWII era cockpit, so looked at AZ's range and worked out which aircraft would have fitted the bill.
Main clue was decking behind cockpit tub.
I hope my next is always better


well done again then.  My best guess - and it really was a guess - was an FW190.  Don't know why but the control stick seemed FW190 ish but when I looked at my FW190 book I could see it was all nowt like!


I hope that you had a bit a fun with that short lived competition......more to come.


Hi Kiteman,

There's one for you in my 'Rata' build.
I hope my next is always better