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Fly Models - Hunting Percival/BAC Jet Provost T.4 1/48th

Started by Bigkev, February 26, 2024, 09:06:18 PM

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Hi All,
Masking removed. I had a couple of areas on the tailplane and rudder, where the base paint lifted, probably due to a bit of moisture in the kit joint/surface. These have been rubbed back and will be recoated with some Mr. Surfacer which will 'bite' into the plastic and prevent any further issue.
Also noted a small hairline joint on the nose which again will get some Mr. Surfacer to fill, and then smooth out.
The difference in the two yellows can be seen. So once the above has been sorted it will be out with the masking tape again, cover the yellow ready for the first coat of Barley Grey on the undersides.
Some pictures follow, thanks for looking:-
I hope my next is always better




Hi All,
well back to this one. Sorted out the paint lifting.
Masked up the canopy sections and painted the frames dark grey to match cockpit interior. These will then be painted the exterior colour to match the uppers of the aircraft.

So, whilst in the mood for painting, I decided to paint the undersides 'Compucolour' Barley Grey as per my references. To compensate for future varnishing darkening the paint I thought I would add a couple of drops of white. All seems good, correct colour paint or is it?
Well after a couple of coats, the paint mix began to take on a definitely 'Blue' hue, complete with some equally colourful language. 

When dry I rubbed the 'Blue' Barley grey mix and looked towards Humbrols take on Barley Grey No.167. Again using a white to lighten the colour, I sprayed over the 'Blue' and got a much better colour.

I suppose the purists will say its wrong but I remember Col. Tony's saying TLAR 'That looks about right' and have settled on this.

I intend to use Humbrols 'Medium Sea Grey' No. 165 for the uppers. But that is next time........

Some pictures follow, thanks for looking

I hope my next is always better




Hi all,
Update on progress with this one.
Masked off the undersides, and applied Medium Sea Grey.
Once dry carefully removed all the masking to reveal the yellow and two greys. Pleased with outcome, though on the starboard drop tank some grey paint had creeped through where the masking had lifted slightly. Have rubbed the overspray out, and will need to touch this in. After this a rub down to remove any paint build up on the edges where the masking had been.
Getting close to applying the decals now.
Some pictures follow, thanks for looking.
I hope my next is always better


How many rolls of tape do you get through in a month Kevin -hohohoho -  ::) ::) ::) ::)




Quote from: MSea on July 23, 2024, 01:08:38 PM
How many rolls of tape do you get through in a month Kevin -hohohoho -  ::) ::) ::) ::)

My next container shipment is due.............
should have enough then.   hohohoho
I hope my next is always better


Paint problem now resolved.
Had to re-apply colour twice to get correct shade.
Now ready for a coat of 'Kleer' prior to decals.
Some pictures, thanks for looking,
I hope my next is always better


I'm impressed by your work here Kev and very much looking forward to seeing it at a club meet.

Bob C


Thanks for your comments chaps, appreciated.
Well model has now been given two coats of 'Kleer' to prepare surface for decaling. I forgot the natural metal tailpipe area, so I dealt with that once the Kleer had dried. Masked off the area and a coat of gloss Black followed by some AK metallics Aluminum once dried. All masking was then removed and the cockpit coaming painted in black.

Looking at this particular aircraft, the serial number needs altering to that in the kit. The Fuselage serials I can make up from my spares using Modeldecal white numbers/letters. The underwing serial can be made up from chopping and changing the kit items to the correct serial. However I noticed that the aircraft has a unit badge on the intakes which I will need to print out using inkjet decal film, using the warpaint image of this and reducing its size accordingly. This aircraft has the number 04 in white on the tail and looking through my spares did not have anything suitable. Then I found some Rub Down letters/numbers by Edding that I had which must be at least 30 years old!

I didn't feel comfortable using them as dry transfers, I was sure I couldn't get them to line up properly. So I did a test onto some clear decal paper, rubbing down the serial number and word 'transfer'. I then gave them a thin coat of Kleer. Once dry I did a test on a piece of old kit that had been painted gloss black. The decals worked perfectly, just like normal kit decals with no silvering.   
I then did some '04's but couldn't get them to line up precisely, then a lightbulb moment, just apply each numeral seperately adjusting into place on the kit. This will be on my next posting.
Some pictures of the above, thanks for looking.
I hope my next is always better


Grumpy by name and nature




For my Fw 190 A-8 build I needed some yellow '1s', having none I found some white '1's in the spares and coloured these with felt pen. Following sealing with Klear they took a long time to seperate from the backing paper, they were after all old Hasegawa ones, and when applied they stood proud. So it didn't work for me Kev but glad it did for you.