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Hawker Hunter FGA.9

Started by cph64, October 01, 2020, 05:48:43 PM

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I originally started this back in May but had overdosed on British jets by building the Swift and Meteor so it went back on the shelf. The Revell kit consists of 102 parts and comes with a choice of markings for No 54 Sqdn out of West Raynham or No 8 Sqdn based Khormaksar, Aden. The only upgrade will be the Pavla resin Martin Baker Mk.3H ejector seat.


Oooh Lovely Chris,
Always liked the Hunter.
I hope my next is always better


Yes Kev it's a beautiful looking aircraft. The consoles are supplied as decals but as not much would be seen in the 'coal hole' I decided to paint them. The ejection seat has been painted ready for installing. The body went together well but when the nose wheel bay was fitted it didn't sit properly so it was out with the PPP. An online build said the wings fitted without any problems but gaps were obvious so these and others elsewhere were also filled. As the kit is a modification of the original 2005 F6 release the sawtooth wing edges come as separate pieces and these being too thick had to be sanded down.
The underside was painted Vallejo Light Aircraft Grey but cross-referencing with a photo of the actual aircraft showed this to be too dark and should be more like Sky Grey for scale effect so it will need repainting. All aluminium parts have been painted with Citadel Runefang Steel as this gives a weathered look. After painting part of the upper surfaces Dark Sea Grey I thought I'd try masking the many curves with Maskol before applying the Dark Green, so we'll see how that works out.

Bob C

looking good Chris, the Hunter was a lovely aircraft.
Bob c


Will you cover it in graffiti and place it in a diorama outside the Humbrol factory down Hedon Road ????????




It's moved on from Hedon Road and is now at Fort Paull, worst luck. No grafitti but plenty of rust there!!! My model has had as many coats of paint as that one as I'm still not happy with the colour underneath, everything looks too dark so I'm repainting Sky Grey as previously mentioned. Even ight Aircraft Grey looks too dark against photos of the real plane. I know you have to be careful when comparing against photos, does anyone kow if the RAF used a lighter shade post 50s/60s? The Phantoms look almost white!!

Bob C

As far I know light aircraft grey was light aircraft grey and the colour was used on the f3 tornado until late on.
Bob c


Thanks Bob, I seem to be going around in circles with this colour so have bitten the bullet and ordered some, plus others, to make sure I get it correct. So the build is on hold until it arrives.


My delivery of Light Aircraft Grey arrived today from Hannants so it was back to the spray booth. Once dry the undersides were masked for the overlapping camouflage plus other areas which were painted accordingly. The oleo legs were then attached. One part of the main doors has a decal so this will be put in place before fixing on the leg.


Looks like the Maskol worked.


It did but I'll take a closer look at the product you recommended. With the decals applied to the lower u/c doors and inner pylons the remaining doors and actuators were fitted. The canopy was masked and first painted Satin Black, for the interior, followed by Dark Green. Whilst the Satin Black was out the SNEB pods were tidied up. Online photos show the body in various shades so I've gone for silver for the main part and Citadel Runefang Steelfor the rear.

Red Lancer

A Hunter will look good whatever colour it is!

Bob C

It's coming along nicely.
Bob c


Cool aeroplane, Looking good Chris.