Author Topic: Airbrush  (Read 1624 times)


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« on: March 26, 2012, 09:08:16 PM »
As some of you know, a while ago I purchased a new airbrush, as recommended by Cyril. In itself the airbrush works fine and I like the idea of having a regulator on the airbrush, but the quick release connector has been a real problem. I noticed a difference in the performance of my older airbrush when I connected the quick release connector to it. I wasn't 100% happy with the perfomance of the new airbrush either, but I persevered with it anyway. To cut along story short, I was experiencing problems with the trigger not releasing properly after I took my finger off it or air backing up into the paint cup to mention just a couple of the problems. After stripping them down and endlessly cleaning them, and then thinking I was thinning my paint to the wrong consistency, I decided to go back to the air hose without the quick release connector and I am a lot happier with the performance of both airbrushes. They are both performing as I want them to. I can only assume the quick release connector wasn't letting enough air through for the trigger to shut off after I released it, even though I had my air pressure set at 20 psi plus.

Regards, Tony


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Re: Airbrush
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 04:35:45 PM »
Hi Tony,

very interested in your observations. I have a quick release connector on mine, and though I have not used it much have not had any problems (to date!), I normally spray at about 12-15 PSI so perhaps thats the reason?

Anyway, you seem to have mastered the beast, so good on you. Now what about a demo at the club??

I hope my next is always better