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Messages - Bigkev

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 272
Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: April 15, 2024, 07:06:07 PM »
Very Impressive.
When I first read your description, I thought you meant "you didn't know where to put the Bar!"
Will look brilliant when done and finished.

Modelling Projects / Re: Short legged skycrane
« on: April 15, 2024, 07:03:41 PM »
That is LOVELY!
Hats off to you Chris, you've done a stunning job.

General Discussion / Re: Sword and Lance 2024
« on: April 14, 2024, 12:28:55 PM »
"A grand day out Grommit"
Thanks for posting the pictures Zak. Enjoyed the company and comradeship.
A good varied display from all those who attended. Nice to see other club members enjoying the show too.
Very nice to see Jon getting a very deserved Gold for his Vilderbeast in the competition.
Looking forward to the next show.

Modelling Projects / Re: Sidetracked Yet Again
« on: April 12, 2024, 05:02:59 PM »
Certainly looks the part. Nice work.

Hi All,
Well back to this one after a little break.
I have thinned the wing trailing edges by scraping them with a knife blade, and then sanding them. As supplied, they are quite thick. Added the resin wheel well walls, but got a bit carried away on rubbing down on one of them so I had to add a bit of plasticard to repair. Also I removed the locating hole for the main undercarriage as it didn't line up correctly with the opening. A new locating point was made from some sliced plastic tube.
Cockpit base and bulkhead joined together. To get correct angle, I used some plasticard to support the bulkhead and retain the angle. On the port side of the fuselage, I have added a strip of plastic card to support the floor on that side. Note I have drawn the floor and bulkhead positions on the fuselage sides in readiness for the resin detail parts later in the build.
As this is a short run moulding, it lacks locating pins, so strips of plastic sprue were added to the starboard sides to support the fuselage joint later on. Nose lights:- These are provided on the clear sprue, and are intended to fit into recesses that you make in the nose. From previous experience I noted the openings were not entirely circular, nor the parts. I therefore decided to drill two holes to insert some clear sprue later in the build. These will then be cut and sanded to shape with the fuselage exterior, and the actual shape of the glazing seen determined by careful painting and masking of the lights.
Similarly, the wing tip lights are provided moulded into the tip tanks or as clear moulded items. I decided to cut off the tip of each wingtip tank, and used the glazed offering. Fly models have provided these with a convenient dimple on the rear face of the glazed part, which I painted Tamiya Clear Green and Red, which will show once assembled and polished.   
The Rudder has a moulded trim tab actuator, as do the tailplane elevators. In order to portray these more realistically, I have cut away the moulded actuators to be replaced by scratch built items near the end of the build. I made my own narrow sanding stick from a cut down coffee stirrer to fit between the reinforcing ribs moulded on the rudder/elevators.
Some pictures of the above follow:-
Thanks for looking, until next time.

Modelling Projects / Re: MSea Army
« on: April 09, 2024, 05:25:53 PM »
Very organised.......

Modelling Projects / Re: BA Chinook
« on: April 08, 2024, 04:52:45 PM »
Looks like it's coming together nicely. Paint shop soon?

Modelling Projects / Re: Short legged skycrane
« on: April 08, 2024, 04:51:25 PM »
Thats looking really nice. Super paint job.

Modelling Projects / Re: Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper UAV 1/48th
« on: April 07, 2024, 04:24:41 PM »
Hi All,
Well moving on. After a quick blast of Mr. Surfacer 1500 from an aerosol, I found that there were a few areas that still needed a little more attention. On the wing roots, there were a couple of dimples in the filler, on the fuselage sides a couple of moulding sink marks I hadn't noticed, and on the fin/rudder a couple of gaps where it didn't seat quite properly. Some Mr. Hobby filler was soon applied and when dry gently sanded to rectify.
Whilst the putty was drying, I assembled the weapons, and pylons, the undercarriage components, ready for painting.
Back soon after some paint on.
Thanks for looking.

Modelling Projects / Re: Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper UAV 1/48th
« on: April 05, 2024, 12:11:30 PM »
Very good.
Did you build a drone in the past?

Hi Zak,
Yes you have good memory. It was a vac form of a Ryan Jet powered drone., painted mainly white with red areas on the wings nose and tail.
I no longer have it, but remember that it too had a huge wingspan.

Modelling Projects / Re: Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper UAV 1/48th
« on: April 04, 2024, 08:49:38 PM »
Hi All,
Filling now done and rubbed down.
To reduce the amount of filler, I added thin strips of tape either side of the join line I wanted to deal with, also tape to the end of the join to prevent in going where I did not want it. I then applied Mr. Surfacer 500 with a small brush , brushing an even layer along the seam.
Left to dry overnight, then tape removed. The seam around the engine was a little too deep in places, so the filler was intended to reduce this. Rather than rubbing down with wet'n'dry I used a cotton bud and some Mr. Hobby thinner. Rubbed over the area, it removes any excess but leaves a thin amount in the seam line.
The wings were drubbed down in a more normal manner using two different grades of wet'n'dry.
The propellor was rubbed down where the blade assembly met the spinner, to smooth out this area.
The wing lights were polished after drilling them to create a recess where red and green was added to replicate the bulb. I glued them into place using thick superglue, and dipping them in baking powder. This make the glue go off and hard, and makes a hard filler if there are any gaps.
Thanks for looking,
Some pictures follow:-

Modelling Projects / Re: Kinetic MQ-9 Reaper UAV 1/48th
« on: April 02, 2024, 07:38:27 PM »
Thanks Bob.
I have now got the airframe together, and just need to do a little filling on the wing roots, but nothing serious, rest of kit went together very nicely.
Soon be time for paint at this rate.

Modelling Projects / Re: Ku.Fl.Gr. 406
« on: April 02, 2024, 04:48:48 PM »
Gun turrets moulded in parts have always been difficult to master.
Looks like you are getting there though.
Keep at it.

Modelling Projects / Re: BA Chinook
« on: April 02, 2024, 04:46:23 PM »
A lot easier to assemble and paint methinks........

Modelling Projects / Re: ELINT Mi17
« on: April 02, 2024, 04:45:19 PM »
Certainly a different 'Hip'.
Those barrel antenna look ungainly in appearance, more like a laden donkey.

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