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Bank Holiday Sea Venom

Started by Pen-Pusher, May 27, 2017, 10:39:23 AM

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None of the usual historical blurb that sends everyone to sleep!

Thought I have a Bank Holiday project to keep me out of mischief (chance would be a fine thing?) so this ancient novo (ex Frog) Sea Venom is the lucky draw from my stash! Considering its age, it really isn't a bad kit - wings and booms go together with little trouble but I will have to build some kind of cockpit interior as there is nothing of any consequence there at the moment. First, the instrument panel based on published photos, then I'll add the radar scope and some seats.


The Venom had one pilot and one radar operator who sat to the right of the pilot and slightly to the rear. To make the radar ops panel I've raided the spares box and added a bit of cut sprue (Photo#1). A 'dry run' gives you an idea of how it should look? (Photo#2)

The basic cockpit floor (Photo#3) has two 'lugs' to hold the pilot's seat. These are too far forward and either need to be removed or cut back by 3mm


Interior of RN Sea Venoms was extra dark sea gray with black instrument panel and 'boxes' This was different to Sea Hawk and Attacker a/c which were matt black on all inside cockpit surfaces.


The fuselage went together much easier than I had expected. Plasticine and lead weights in the nose but surprisingly little filling and sanding required on the upper surface. A little more attention was need on the lower surface where the gun pack was fitted.


Enough for tonight I think....


Are you trying to outdo Zak by how many models you can build in quick succession?



Not at all.... Don't worry, I'll go into slow-mode any day now!!


Fitting the undercarriage is 'fiddly' to say the least. The open doors supplied are very thick so I used the 'closed option' set and carefully cut them apart. As the photo shows the plastic is much thinner and have some contour to them which is absent on the originals.


Grumpy by name and nature


No prizes for guessing the chosen colour scheme...


Call me smug, complacent, even foolish but about 11pm last night I realised my first paint job had resulted in four back stripes in four different widths!!! No one will notice (smug) I thought? It's as good as anyone else's (complacent) I mused! I'll just touch up along the edges (foolish... very foolish!) I erred! Two hours later the paint remover had done its work and I started again with the yellow base coat. At 8.30 am (YES 8.30 AM!!) I started with the black!!!

Now, how many believe I did this WITHOUT any masking tape?




Taking its time but slowly beginning to come together. This particular aircraft (one of only a few) were for a period painted slightly differently on the nose and underside with the radome painted in sky and the black stripes not conjoining as might be expected. Still some work to do....!


Hi Pen Pusher,
It looks good even if its still WIP.
The main thing is your modelling and your getting nearer the finishing post with this project.
Good work, keep it up.
I hope my next is always better