Author Topic: Elusive colours...!  (Read 1923 times)


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Elusive colours...!
« on: February 04, 2018, 11:52:19 AM »
With Airfix re-issuing their 1/72 Spitfire Mk.1a with marking pre-Dunkirk, I am reminded that prior to 1940 (March I think?) the 'dark earth' element of RAF camouflage was actually a couple of shades lighter than that worn during the following years (i.e. Battle of Britain). I recently found another paint that matches this earlier shade very well indeed and avoids the need to 'mix' my Vallejo acrylics. This is from the Citadel acrylic range and it called 'Agrellan Earth'. When you use it you will feel it is too light but no, a swift dab of varnish and it's toned down to the correct shade.

On the subject of paints, I will (hopefully) be trialing a new brush paint from a 'well-kent' manufacturer so keep watching this page...