Author Topic: A love of Phantoms re-kindled.  (Read 881 times)


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A love of Phantoms re-kindled.
« on: November 03, 2017, 10:41:49 AM »
i worked out it's been over two decades since I built an F4 so it was with some trepidation I opened a stash-worn box containing Hasegawa's 1/72 F4J. A nice kit from the early 90's so it's second generation moulding from Hasegawa. Not without its problem areas but these may be better attributed to the modeller's skill set than the kit. The curious part was dealing with the generous decal shett (three different a/c ) as the decals are quite thick, take some time to release from their carrier paper but when dry are perfect needing no Micro-stuff to improve their looks or adherence?

Anyway, an enjoyable build and a good rehearsal for the forthcoming Airfix FG.1 (et al)